Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Babymoon Over (in a good way)

Baby Solly is no longer new. His novelty is sustained in Rachel and my life, but is different somehow. He has slipped in to being a constant. This happened partly when paternity leave ended for me. It also happened when we began to have to take care of business like getting me to work in the morning and simple errands during the day. Instead of hanging out with baby all day, I now look forward to coming home and stripping off my work clothes so that I can snuggle with his little wiggly body.

I guess the transformation is that we are incorporating him into the things we have to do - the art of being a parent I guess. I certainly have watched my friends address household chores as they hold their children who wouldn't stand for being set down and knew I 'd be one of them, but some things surprise me.

I am surprised how gingerly I used to hold the little guy - carefully supporting every part of his little body - compared to the way I now balance him over my shoulder and hold him with my jawbone as if he is some telephone receiver (on rare occasions). I am surprised that he is with me as I write this posting. He is actually quite comfortable contrary to what you might think regarding the angle of his head.

The change was bound to happen, but he brings just as many smiles to us now if not more. I think he is getting cuter compared to the rag-doll that he once was, now personality is forming and he is showing us the first glimpses of who us behind those fabulous eyes and glowing smile.

Or are we just reading into everything too much? Who knows, we'll see.